Thursday, May 15, 2014

Look like a goddess May 17

May 17 | 11am-5PM
Open House
Global goddess fashions
and jewelry
2318 E. Fernwood Ave.    414-482-8971
2 streets south of Oklahoma     3 houses east of Kinnikinic
Benefit Boutique for Kayla’s Krew

Join us this Saturday!  Open house, starting at 11:00 am. Sunni Boehme’s- Global Goddess Salon, located inside Sunni’s home.  Proceeds donated to Kayla’s Krew. 

The mission of Kayla’s Krew is to build an all-inclusive, all-accessible playground in Franklin, WI.  The playground will facilitate compassion and acceptance among children of all ages and abilities. To learn more or get involved, please visit 

How can my life get better?

How can MY life get better ?

 1.      Evaluate……what is the truth about my life right now?   

2.     How do I feel about it ?            In all 8 areas

Health and appearance

Home and car

Career/ Job

Finances/ Wealth building

Social/ Friends and family

Romance….primary relationship

Fun and leisure….how do you nourish and restore yourself

Spiritual connection and growth….reading, church/or spiritual community/Volunteering

3.       What are my top 3 priorities ?  (This Week)

4.      What Action can I take this week to change this for the better?

5.      Who can help make this easier… there an expert or a friend I need to ask for help?

6.      Am I able to receive help gracefully?    Or do I have to do everything myself?

7.      What do I need to change in my patterns to make my life easier?  Ie. be on time,  make a list of 3 things to accomplish each day,  say I am sorry, tell people I appreciate them,  don’t over book myself,  take time to relax, praise myself for my goals achieved each day. (before I make the next list)

8.      Call Sunni for a jump start and positive energy and encouragement  414-482-8971

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fruit basket upset to realignment

Sometimes your day has to go into "fruit basket upset" before it can realign in perfect order.

That's what happened to my week.  On Monday I looked at my schedule and it didn't have an extra minute for anything.  I was so booked that it felt overwhelming because I knew I had to pack and organize everything for my trip to Atlanta for my PHD graduation next week.   I was happy to look at my calendar and see that each day was filled with client sessions and meetings that were important in my career.....but where was I going to fit in getting my nails done for the trip, packing, paying bills, and visiting a friend in the hospital who had surgery ?????     that's when the universe started realigning things for me.......

Each day appointments rescheduled…..something that rarely ever happens to me.   People were sick or children were sick or ……poof.  Clients cleared out spaces and I had to learn how to surf.   Ahhhhh I said as I saw a 2 hour time slot open up to get my nails done. 

Tuesday night I hurt my back at 11pm and left a message on my Chiropractors phone with an agonized …”Help”   She called me at 7am and could fit me in at 9am so that I could make my next appointment at 10.

Wednesday…. only one client held her appointment and I found that I had time to wash all my clothes and organize my suitcase….well in advance of my usual night before deadline.

I had to ship some clothes from my Global goddess boutique because the Ministers love my easy care, classy and never wrinkle clothes.  Shipping costs were well over $200 and I still had the racks to ship…..a real conundrum.   Then I remembered that Judith and Gillian were driving and I asked if they could take them…..YES!  I was thrilled and Judith’s dear husband  Ron picked up the racks and created a special carrying case for them…bless his heart!  

 The Universe is aligning in my favor and it’s happening fast and furiously.  Whew!  I breathe in and say….My life is joy, ease and abundance.  ….and all the right people are in all the right places and so am I.

So much that was causing me overwhelm is now off my list already and I am filled with joy at the people who are helping me and even with the clients who changed their appointments  because……Sometimes   TIME is more valuable than MONEY.  

 I needed the time more than the money to give me peace of mind.

That’s what I call surfing.    I wasn’t upset with anyone I just saw it all as opportunity for something that needed my attention more to happen.

I even had time today to get my car washed and completely cleaned out and detailed because I was waiting for something at the bank next door.   Everything in perfect alignment and all I had to do was be flexible and go with the flow…  

Happy Surfing.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

concrete angel shovels snow

Have you ever seen a cement angel shoveling snow?

My miracle for today. I looked out my front window today to see a man shoveling my side walk. I was shocked and happy. here's the story. Last week My basement was leaking and I hired Steve Tatro....from the Foundation Man to dig up the inside of my basement and install drain tile. This house is 93 yrs. old and they didn't know about drain tile then. So last week Steve showed up a couple of days with his darling "Artemis" dig in and help wife. (because the kid he hired didn't show up) She was amazing. A little tiny scrappy blonde with fire red painted fingernails and nothing stopped her. Hammering, carrying heavy buckets up the basement stairs. She was unstoppable. Today Steve the concrete man returned to finish up the job and there he was shoveling my sidewalk. He didn't just shovel the side to get his equipment in ....he shoveled the entire front side walk and all the way back to my garage. Now tell that not a concrete angel? If you need a foundation guy call Steve 414-766-9920 he and his wife Bridget are a pretty amazing team. Oh and he needs a reliable guy to hire to help him. Tell him Sunni "paid it forward"

Accept people who they are.

I had to really practice this when I was in the Muslim villages in Turkey. I was a guest in their village and I had no right to try to teach them anything different. I would have been stoned for teaching women's empowerment. So I just honored them and their beliefs and I looked for the good in their way of life. It was a very interesting journey "Diary of a Turkish Wedding" on you can read the first 2 chapters for free.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

from Rev.Atkins...insight

From  Rev. Jacquiline Atkins....founder of the Gold Rush Womens conference  (7 years)
Sunni's insight as how to "choose" to live a wonderful life and then to actually live it, is absolutely phenomenal! "Mirror, Mirror..." is a must read for everybody, but especially for any woman who thinks that she is "stuck" where she does not want to be! I am soooooooo glad that Sunni has registered to be at The GOLD Rush Women's Conference 2014, Mar 7-9 at Hyatt Lisle. Join her there. Check out the conference at
it's possible that every woman will be giving a copy of "Mirror,Mirror" at the conference.  We are seeking sponsors now who want to have a page of advertising in her book.

for all teenage girls over 16

Dear Sunni:

I want to thank you personally for sharing your story in Diary of a Turkish Wedding.  As a mother who has been divorced twice, I have had so much guilt around leaving both husbands when I knew that I deserved being treated with respect.  I want my children to know that they deserve more in relationships too.  I really wanted my daughter at 16.5 to read this but I knew she wouldn’t if I asked her.  As I read the book, she wanted to know what it was about because she felt ignored.  I told her it was an adult book that I did not think she should read. 

As soon as I was done with it she grabbed it and started reading it.  She even took it to school with her to share with her friends.  I am waiting to hear her thoughts when she is ready but she told me she really liked it so far.  I believe this book should be read by all mothers and shared with girls in all high schools.  It is important for daughters to know that relationships can change and they can take care of themselves.

Cassandra Wind

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

see the photos Event March 20th

Thursday, March 20, 1:30-3:00pm   At Clement Manor in Milwaukee, Wi.

Sunni Boehme, Author and world traveler  “Diary of a Turkish Wedding”
Personal insights on what it’s like to live in a totally Muslim village in Turkey
That hasn’t changed much in 200 years.    The photos tell it all.

She married the man of her dreams, a Turkish man and out of love, journeyed to his home village for his brother’s traditional Muslim wedding.  There, her world as an independent and successful life coach and women s empowerment advocate turned upside down when faced with rigid traditions, strange foods, unfamiliar behaviors, and century-old lifestyles.  Sunni will talk about the experiences described in her book “Diary of a Turkish Wedding”.   She will bring her photo albums for you to see mud and straw homes.

Sunni Boehme is a citizen of the world with 30 years of experience coaching and leading workshops on ways to” light up your life” and use the laws of attraction to create more joy, ease and abundance.  She is the author of "Mirror, Mirror,” "Diary of a Turkish Wedding,” "Emotional Well Being for Women III,” and "Overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome."       And soon to be released  “Hope in Action with the Laws of Attraction” 
Open to the Public
To register please call our reservation Line 414-546-7302 (This is a recorded message, please leave a name& number for each person registering.)

Cost for the presentation: CFE Member $3.00; Guests $5.00
Books will be available for purchase for $15.00   and the Author will sign them for you.
Presentation will take place at
Clement Manor Center for Enrichment
9405 W Howard Ave.       Greenfield WI 53228

Exciting New Events Jan-Mar 2014

How Can YOUR Life be Better?

      Joy, Ease and Abundance Schedule for 2014
      Sunni Seminars and Coaching

21 Days to Love Class  
Thurs. January 30  7pm-9  
If you want to prepare yourself for meeting the love of your life you might want to up your confidence level and take this class before you come to the dance.   Find out what you want to be loved and appreciated for and clear out the blocks in your love life.
at Sunni’s  414-482-8971  rsvp a must   call for address

Woman Up! Festival

February 8, 2014    10 – 5 pm     

Calling all Wisconsin women!  Shepherd Express is hosting a festival to celebrate all walks of a woman’s life.  It’s all about feeling and looking your best as you learn about health and fitness, finance and education, shop local boutiques, visit with local salons, and sample delicious food and drinks from Milwaukee’s very own restaurants, chocolatiers and wineries.      Come find my booth with my new logo….see top left
Sign up at

Flirting with Life - followed by Valentines Dance
Feb. 14  7-10pm    
The Flirting with life class has always been a fun singles event  I will be leading this playful and interactive ….starting playful communications class before the dance to warm things up on a cold February night.    Come and find your sizzle …..and maybe a new love in your life.    Marian Center at 3211 S. Superior, (Lake Drive ..just south of Oklahoma.   Second floor, north west corner. Behind the grotto.   Look for signs that say Spiritual Living Center.   You’ll meet lots of positive people….bring your happy.

Gold Rush Women’s Empowerment Weekend
March 7-9  
Where Women find their fortune.
Find your Joy, Ease and Abundance at a weekend with positive and empowered women
Presenters, coaches and Authors.   Immerse yourself in the warmth of dynamic women who are connecting to support each other in empowerment. 7th year.
Call Sunni now for your 15% discount   414-482-8971 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Attracting True Romance

Attracting true romance by building your self esteem and self value…..

Jill thinks like a man and looks like Marilyn Monroe.  Quite a combination!  She has a brilliant mind for numbers and makes a great operations manager.  Once she makes up her mind swift action follows.  For Jill graduating from high school during an era that programmed women for a life modeling June Cleaver or Harriet Nelson meant frustration and entrapment.  There wasn’t a roll model for talent and energy like Jill’s  (maybe there still isn’t.  Hmmm, about the closest I could come would be Opra Winfry. Dynamic , energetic, multidimensional, and very caring.)  To add to her frustration it was easy to attract men but, rarely could one hold her interest or his ego would be threatened by her dynamic energy.  She married shortly after high school to a man who fit all the socio-economic and religious molds that pleased her parents and soon had two boys and a husband who became very successful and very abusive.  When a mans’ ego is threatened he might do anything to maintain dominance.  She finally ran for her life. 
She found work as a beauty salon marketing and operations manager. As they began to recognize her true talents she soon was promoted to manager of all six salons.  She thrived on all the action and complexity of this management position and she began to recognize her talents and what really excited and motivated her.  She loved fine things and knew that working like this was never going to give her the life she had envisioned for herself.  She began searching deeper and studying metaphysics. She grew spiritually and in wisdom about the true meaning of life.  Soon she was no longer willing to be involved with men at a superficial level and began creating her life-mate.  She realized that after her husband she had built a wall between herself and men and now she wanted to let just one very special man in and she knew she had to heal herself first and begin to build trust within herself to trust herself to KNOW who was the right man when he showed up.  She read books on “Creating Your Ideal Mate”, “Attracting Love” and every book she could get her hands on.  She wanted to fill her mind with the belief that she could NOW create a better relationship than she had ever had or ever seen.  The more she read about metaphysics and attraction the more she realized that she still had some internal discovery and re-creating within herself before  she would be able to receive this kind of totally loving man into her life and her heart.  She attended some seminars and surrounded herself with new friends who were devoted to their own self discovery  They supported each other into creating deeper more meaningful relationships and friendships as they all grew to embrace into their lives and live the principles of brotherly love and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. 

 THE LOVE LESSON HERE IS  that you must learn how to honor yourself and treat yourself with respect and love and tenderness before you will be able to treat others as good as you would like to be treated.   When you truly learn to treat yourself this good you will never allow anyone else to mistreat you and you will actually only attract people who will be in alignment with as good as you treat yourself.  She became very clear that she wanted a man of great spiritual depth and wisdom who walked his talk.   A man who would use these principles to make a difference in the world and took action.  A man she could trust completely because he truly honored and appreciated her.  He would see her talents and energy and integrate her into his life and they would thrive together because they balanced and supported each other in perfect harmony.  A man she could allow herself to surrender to love with.  A man who wanted to build an empire with her and who shared in her desire to make the world a better place to live by sharing their wealth with others and teaching others how to build their own empires.  One day she told her coach Sunni that,” I think I’m going to marry a short, pudgy Jewish man who works with money”.  (Now, if you ever saw Jill you would expect her to end up with a very tall and handsome man)  so, this was an interesting revelation.  Sure enough, a few weeks later some mutual friends introduced her to this exact man that she had seen in her vision.   It took a few years to work out some complications but, they have now been married for ten years and they continue to grow and GLOW together.   They truly honor and revere each other.  She pampers him and makes sure everything is just right for him to do what he does best and she has become his operations manager and home and in his business.  She is a brilliant asset to his already very successful life and he knows it and appreciates her and adores her.  He treats her like his Jewel…..and that’s exactly what he calls her.

Do you want to find the love of your life?   Contact Sunni about  the "21 days to love" class
or private coaching sessions if you are away from the Milwaukee, Wi. area.

Come to the Valentine's dance on Fri. Feb. 14  where you will meet all the people who are interested in the "laws of Attraction".  contact Sunni 

She'll be leading her famous and fun  "Flirting with Life"   class  7pm -8pm before 
the dance  8pm to 11pm.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Plan for Fun

Plan for fun
Or you end up in front of your TV set

Now is the time to plan for fun and adventure.  Turn off the TV and sit down with your family or lover and take a look at a great magazine called Wisconsin Auto tours…23 road adventures with Attraction Listings.   These can be day trips or an over night with a B&B or a Yogi Bear Campsite for the family.   Affordable adventures with a destination in mind and some fun activities while on the road.

Are you looking for FUN in Milwaukee (or your city)  During the winter every Thursday night there is music under the Domes  with a light show  at the fabulous Milwaukee horticultural domes.  6pm-8:30 with food vendors and you get to wander in and out of all of the fabulous domes.   Imagine being in a tropical dome in the middle of winter.   Then just DO IT !   Sr. discounts.

MOVIES…do you know that Marcus theaters have $5.00 movies every Tuesday and it includes popcorn and soda.
The Southgate theatre has  $2.50 movies on Tuesday.  
Budget and Value have $2.00 always.

Art Walks are happening in all cities  and the winter is no exception.
MAM  the Milwaukee Art Museum has a big event with live music the 2nd Friday.

Light up your life and get out and have some fun and meet some new people.

Call me if you need some help planning more fun in your's part of the coaching work that I do with all clients.  I am the JOY guide and I know what's going on all over the planet for fun.   I am a citizen of the world and I can tell you how to go to Spain for a week for hardly any money.  
Call me now  414-482-8971