Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Intercultural romance

Diary of a Turkish Wedding by Sunni Boehme Gives an American Woman's Perspective of Life in a Fundamentalist Muslim Village

Milwaukee, Wisconsin- (November 2012) - What is life really like in a provincial, male-dominated Muslim village in the middle of Turkey?  How do people live, day to day, without the modern conveniences that Americans have grown accustomed to? How does an independent, self-sufficient American woman adapt to a culture where women have many expectations but few freedoms? Author Sunni Boehme lived this life first-hand when she traveled to her Turkish husband's home, and became engulfed in his culture and all that went with it. Diary of a Turkish Wedding is her account of this life. 

In light of the world's escalating political and religious conflicts, Boehme wrote her story so that the world could see the Muslim culture beyond the news reports and headlines.  With insightful detail, Boehme recounted her month-long experience living in a culture dominated by men.  Here, the women are expected to marry young, often to perfect strangers, and begin baring children shortly after. Their lives leave little room for choice or freedom in dress or endeavor, while men have clearly defined positions of authority, with their Muslim religion being their only master.

While Boehme often struggled to adjust to this life so different from her American upbringing, she also realized that love and devotion do exist within the walls of this foreign culture. In recognizing these similarities she hopes that the many differences can be overcome and the two cultures can live together in harmony.  Diary of a Turkish Wedding will enlighten and amaze the reader, bringing new levels of understanding of the world in which we live at large, and the one in our own backyards.

Sunni Boehme is a constant student of life, culture and religions.  She is currently in her last few months of achieving a Master’s degree in World Religions leading to a Ministerial credential in Interfaith and New Thought from Emerson Theological Institute.  Her first book, Mirror, Mirror… True Stories of Manifestation to Inspire the Magic Within You is a wonderful collection of inspirational stories including the prequel to Diary of a Turkish Wedding.  Sunni Boehme currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but has traveled and lived around the world.  She welcomes interviews and the chance to speak to groups and share her messages of peace, love, and multicultural understanding. Contact Sunni at 414-482-8971 or email at

Book:  Diary of a Turkish Wedding (245 pages)
Author:  Sunni Boehme
Price:  $14.95
IBSN: 978-0-9773846-2-4

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